

+1 LB, 81 To Go

Ah... well I am on my cycle so I am hoping that is all the gain is...

I did measure myself and I have lost another inch on my waist and 1/2 inch on my hips...

You ever have those days where you get depressed thinking that you are just spinning your wheels? That is how I am feeling today...

Better mood next time...


Foodie Girl said...

I feel like I spin my wheels everyday. I will take any mood you have to give us. We are all here for each other, any mood.

Abi said...

Abba you are so sweet... thank you.

Foodie Girl said...

Hello? Anyone home?

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Well done on your loss so far... it is a long journey isnt it... but we arent alone!! Keep up the gr8 work!